Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hi to the Academy

Dear LSA K-3 students,
Hello from Turkey! Look at a map to see where we are when you are in school.
We have seen many buildings and displays about people who lived more than 1000 years ago. Yesterday we visited Haghia Sophia, which is very large and very beautiful. It has been both a mosque and a church. Look up "mosque" on the internet to find out more about what it is. Around 4 am every morning we hear someone chanting from each mosque to tell people that it is time for them to pray.
We also visited a cistern, which is a big room where water is stored until people need to drink it. More than 300 years ago, people forgot that the water was underground. They built houses on top of it. But a few people found out that if they dug a hole in their basement there was a big space under their house, and if they put a fishing line into the hole they could catch fish down there! Now there are bridges above the water so can walk on the bridges and look at the fish below you.
When we eat breakfast on the roof of our hotel the big black crows, seagulls, and little sparrows come to visit us and beg for our food. Yesterday one of the big crows got really brave and stole a whole roll of bread from Cait.
Cait and Aydin say hi.
- Science Granny and Science Mom

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